Our goal at Clearwater Butterfly is to provide you with the most beautiful butterflies for your wedding, classroom, gift, or any other event you can imagine. We are the growers–we are the source. When you order from us, the butterflies or caterpillars you receive have been raised right here on our farm in Florida.
Our butterfly farm has been in operation here in Florida for 14 Years. We also operate a Biological Supply Company in Massachusetts where we provide living insects to grade schools throughout the U.S. We have been supplying schools with caterpillars for more than 35 years.
Have a question about a butterfly release? Contact us today or call 407-366-8299!
Clearwater Butterfly
2400 Curryville Rd
Chuluota, Florida 32766
Phone: 407-366-8299
Fax: 407-971-9600