What To Know Before Hosting a Memorial or Funeral Butterfly Release

Hosting a memorial event is the perfect way to remember someone’s life, mourn a loss, and help in the healing process. They provide closure to many and expression to all. It’s important, however, to find memorial release opportunities that both benefit our hearts, as well as the environment.

Butterfly releases have been a popular option for many who want to celebrate the passage from one life to the next and there are many places to purchase butterflies for release. If this is something that you’ve never been a part of and are just considering a funeral or memorial butterfly release for the first time, then we’ve prepared some tips to help.

How Long Will Your Ceremony Be?

The actual release ceremony itself can be as long or as short as you desire. The main focus of your ceremony is to memorialize your loved one and give friends and family the opportunity to reflect on your loved one’s memory.

There are no right or wrong ways to host a release ceremony and you have complete freedom to choose factors that you think your guests would most appreciate.

What You Need Prior To Planning Your Release

If you’re planning a funeral for someone else or you’re planning a memorial gathering, keep several things in mind when planning any type of memorial butterfly release. The first and most important thing to ensure is that the funeral home, park that you’ve chosen allows for releases.

Determine all rules and regulations prior to planning your release and go from there. If you are unable to do a release at your preferred location, you’ll need to either choose another location or opt to host the release in a separate location from the funeral or memorial.

Size of the Group that Will Be Attending the Memorial

It’s essential to know how large of a gathering you’re planning on. You also want to determine whether you’re planning to give one item to each person for the release ceremony or one item per couple. Don’t forget to factor in children! Always overestimate the size of the group in order to have enough items for the release ceremony.

Practical example: You’re hosting 50 people for a butterfly release ceremony. If you plan on one butterfly per jar and one additional accessory per couple, you need a minimum of 25. If you’re going to give one to each person, you need a minimum of 50.

Coordinate the Timing of Your Release

Coordinate the release so you give guests time for reflection in an orderly manner. Have the host instruct guests to ready their release cages and spend several moments thinking about the person who passed away before the big moment.

No matter what, ensure that you allow for as much time as possible for each guest to pause in reflection of your loved one before finalizing the ceremony.

Remember Your Loved One

Butterfly release ceremonies provide a meaningful chance for you and your guests to remember your loved one. No matter what you decide to include in the ceremony, focus on making it a time for everyone to reflect on your loved one’s life, love, and legacy.

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